Monday, October 13, 2008

Recap of week ending 10/12

My weeks end on Sunday.

So it's week two and I'm still a little disorganized but still excited. I may have to tweak my goals a bit. I went all week without dairy. It was just easy enough that I knew that I would get an envelope every day, so I didn't really push to do other things for envelopes. Today I even convinced myself that it would be a good thing to have some cheese on my tacos, because then I would have to exercise to open an envelope. That's self-sabotage and it's also bullshit. I should know better. So I think I'm gonna have to do an accumulation thing on the dairy.

Also, every time I made a meal I felt like it didn't count for the "whole meal" goal because I used processed soy milk or fake meat or something. So I might make a new goal about trying new recipes or something. I'll think on it tonight and probably have new goals starting tomorrow.

Previous weight : 175
Current weight : 175 (I was down to 174 during the week, but my official current weight will be whatever I am on Monday.)
Envelopes opened : 8 (seven for no dairy, one for exercise)
Awesome rewards :

  • Paper punch! I'm not sure if it's a dinosaur or a monkey in a beret, but I love punches.
  • Tags! Which are probably not interesting to non-crafty people, but to me they are tiny little canvases. :)
  • Future marble magnets!
  • Sealing wax! This might be the best thing out of this lot. I've always wanted to play with it, but never really had a reason to so I never bought any. Now I'm going to have to send some letters.
  • Fun fur!
  • Ribbon!
  • Stickers! I stuck two of the blue bling things on my phone, to remind me of what I'm trying to do.
  • Star brads! Those need to go somewhere in my Big Binder.
Finest moment: Resisting the temptation of Jason's mac & cheese
Worst moment: Realizing that Oreo cookies have no dairy and making myself sick on them. I actually only ate about six, but when I give up dairy I inadvertently give up a lot other stuff like sugar and HFCS. So the Oreos were a total overload and I felt like crap after I ate them.

1 comment:

Misty said...

I believe it's a dinosaur, but a monkey with a beret sounds much more interesting!

I like the weekly update. It's nice to see the whole week at once for you. =)

I never would have thought Oreos didn't have dairy in them. That kind of makes me not want to eat them more, because if there's no dairy then what is there? Besides HFCS, of course.