Monday, January 5, 2009

y hallo thar new year

It's a new year, so let's forget all that 2008 suckiness and start fresh.

My exercise has been put on hold due to my plantar fasciitis. I bought a night splint for it but I'm having a really hard time keeping it on all night. I have a hard time falling asleep with it on, but then, I have a hard time falling asleep period. I've been tossing and turning all night for a couple of months. Then I have a hard time getting out of bed and I don't want to do anything all day. So the next steps in O:GHD! are getting better sleep and fixing my foot. To that end I need to give up the caffiene. I was at two or three sodas a day and even though my last one was about seven hours before I went to bed, I still had trouble sleeping. So I'm going to be drinking one soda with my first meal of the day and no more until I run out of soda (about six more days) and then... no more!

So starting now, PROJECT: Sleep Well and PROJECT: Fix That Foot.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Yay circles of motivation!

Why is giving up soda so hard? In my case, since I love Coke, I surmise that they really do have some sort of opiate in it. The other day I had one and honestly it didn't even taste that good! Stupid Soda Jerks.
haha, that was totally unintended. ;)

I really hope you can start to get some good sleep soon and that you fix that foot! Obviously with the fasciitis, exercising is no fun, but have you thought about trying some exercise stuff where your foot isn't involved (like crunches or whatever) before you go to sleep? I've heard exercise before bed helps you sleep.